FORTIS development

fortis development

Our development areas

Fortis Pharma GmbH has been evaluating and developing innovative health products together with our partners since 2019. Our focus is on natural products, pharmaceuticals as well as medical technology and digital applications as well as product suites for care. Simply contact us if you would like to cooperate with us with your development candidates.

fortis NATURA is our development pipeline for natural supplements, nutriceuticals and cosmeceuticals with a focus on the pharmacy sector. We combine innovative ingredients from nature's building blocks with smart information technologies.

fortis MEDECA is our drug development pipeline with a focus on natural medicine/phytopharmaceuticals. The first drug that we as a GXP management organization under this label was approved in August 2021 together with Fortis Pharma GmbH by our partner Tasly Healthcare Deutschland GmbH in the Netherlands.

fortis TECHNICA is our drug development pipeline with a focus on medical products, smart devices and health apps.

fortis CURA is our development pipeline of pharmaceuticals with a focus on care aids for care services and care packages for home care (without additional payment), which we put together from our own products and products from partner companies and will sell in the future. A special focus is placed on products with natural ingredients.

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