FORTIS units

fortis units

Fortis Pharma GmbH has been successfully active in Germany and Europe since 2019 both as a contract service provider for national and international customers for regulation and management of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and food/cosmetics and as a developer of health products.

Fortis service units

Fortis Pharma GmbH has a long-standing industry track record as a contract service provider for national and international customers for regulation and management for pharmaceuticals, medical devices and food/cosmetics. For example, we have been working as the central GXP management organization for an international listed health group in the pharmaceuticals sector since 2019 and as a functional food and supplement unit for two European companies since 2020. Talk to us if you need support for your medical or food projects.

Fortis development units

Fortis Pharma GmbH has been evaluating and developing innovative health products together with our partners since 2019. Our focus is on natural products, pharmaceuticals as well as medical technology and digital applications as well as product suites for care. Simply contact us if you would like to cooperate with us for your development candidates.

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